Everyday Alive: Maximize Your Potential. Work with Purpose. Live with Passion.
Available in Kindle eBook:
It’s been said that 80% of success is showing up. When we show up with a sense of purpose, passion, gratitude, optimism, joy, mindfulness, drive, and humility something magical transpires. Potential accelerates. Work transforms from a job to a calling. Life begins to take on a new sense of meaning and something artful and beautiful comes into focus–a life that is alive and fully human.
This book is designed as an inspirational and informative tool to aid lovers of life in experiencing, as Aristotle called it, “the Good Life.” And when we live in the Good Life we will find that our work takes on new meaning, energy, and fulfillment.
ISBN: 978-1-64316-186-0
Everyday ALIVE: Maximize Your Potential. Work With Purpose. Live With Passion.
When Purpose Intersects with Passion
The greatest gift you can give your colleagues, team, organization, and your family, is a fully alive, healthy you. Eighty percent of success is showing up. And when we show up with a sense of purpose and passion, something magical transpires and transfers. Potential accelerates. Work transforms from a job to a calling. Life begins to take on a new sense of meaning, even in the mundane.
When purpose meets passion and the two become one, our life begins to take on a newfound synergy that creates something beautiful.
Tap Into Your Mojo
Some call this synergy the “sweet spot” or “tapping into their mojo.” The ancients sage called it “living the Good Life.” However, you define it; we all know what it feels like and looks like when our head and heart come together in not just “what” we do but “how” we do it and “why” we do it.
People whistle. Some sing under their breath. Children skip across the yard. Teams hum in high-performance. Innovation and breakthrough gurgle forth from unlikely sources and places. Problems find solutions without the usually associated anxiety. I call this a full life and one you can lean into and live “Everyday Alive.”
Getting Beyond Good Intentions
This book unpacks one, single, simple, pithy, axiom on each page. Like a carefully crafted tweet, these 140-character, time-released truths, are accompanied by ancient’s wisdom advice and practical coaching application. They will guide you into becoming a better version of yourself each day.
As we consider how to show up in life and connect insight and inspiration with action, it’s my hope we will maximize our potential, uncover fresh purpose to our work, and generate genuine passion for life…Everyday Alive!
- e-Book
- One axiom per page
- Insightful. Inspirational. Doable.
- Contains whiteboard scribbles images