Team Accelerators™ — The Five Force Multipliers of High-Performance Teams.
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Organizations today put a premium on teamwork. Why? Horsepower. But not all teams are high-performance teams. There is a difference between adding horsepower and generating force-power. Force-power is exponential energy that is generated by a force-multiplier.
Force-multipliers are tools, elements, or a combination of factors that dramatically increase the effectiveness of a group. They supersize outcomes and outputs. A force-multiplier is a team of four squared that now generates the outcomes of sixteen. High-performance teams cultivate force-power in their team chemistry along with the standard expectations of skill, technical ability, and experience.
Team Accelerators™ unpacks the five force multipliers that transform workgroups into teams, and teams into high-performance partnerships that multiply their outputs to achieve exceptional business outcomes. The best companies know that Team Accelerators™ helps them compete, innovate, scale, and seize opportunities in the digital economy.
ISBN: 978-1-64316-183-9
Book Outline
High Performance: The Force Multiplier in Teams
Organizations today put a premium on teamwork. Why? Horsepower. That’s why teams are the new normal in the digital distance economy. But not all teams are high-performance teams. For example, four Clydesdale horses on a team of horses fuel more horsepower than four men could. Hitching horses to a wagon or sleigh and harnessing their combined efforts does lighten the burden and increases the workflow from one to several. There is a difference between adding horsepower and generating force-power.
Horsepower Versus Force-Power
Horsepower is a measurement of power that a horse exerts in pulling (the rate at which work is done). As you add more horses, you increase the capacity of fulfilling the work. Add one horse and accomplish the workload of one Clydesdale more.
Force-power is exponential energy that is generated by a force-multiplier. Force-multipliers are tools, elements, or a combination of factors that dramatically increase the effectiveness of a component or group in such a way that it supersizes the outcomes and accomplish greater output. Using the horse analogy, a force-multiplier is a team of four generating the results of sixteen.
Like horses, teams of people can be supercharged too. They can have force-power in their mix along with the standard specs such as skill-level, technical ability, and experience. These Team Accelerators™ can unlock force-power that transforms a team of four to produce the outcomes and outputs of sixteen. The best companies know that force-multipliers help them compete, innovate, scale and seize opportunities.
Force-Power: The Five Cs of a High Performance Team
Team Accelerators™ are in the fuel mixture of all great companies. High-performance teams are force-multipliers in a business. This book shows what these accelerators are and how to cultivate and inculcate them into your team chemistry.
Team Accelerators™ unpacks the five force-multipliers that serve as rocket fuel to transform workgroups into teams, and teams into high-performance contributors that multiply their outputs in a way that achieves exceptional business outcomes.
When a business structure is aerodynamic and its profit formula is dialed-in, it’s aimed in the right direction. And when it adds force-power rocket fuel from the five Team Accelerators™ to an already streamlined structure, get ready. Get set. Acceleration has begun.
ISBN: 978-1-64316-183-9